
Do you have the right method to analyze water soluble vitamins in food?
Water soluble vitamins are a great challenge to detect in foodstuff. Different concentration levels and the extraction from various food metrics need different analytical methods and tools for proper results.
This month, we would like to do a review with our customers on Vitamin Bs testing. We have provided a solution to the above with VitaFast® testing platform, along with ELISA and
Immunoaffinity Columns (IAC).
VitaFast® Vitamin test kits are based on the microbiological vitamin detection procedure in microtiter plate format. The wells of a microtiter plate are coated with specific microorganisms, which metabolise the vitamin to be determined. The amount of microorganisms in the wells are adapted and optimised to the respective vitamin. The cost intensive production and storage of microorganisms are no longer required.
Today VitaFast® is validated for natural and added vitamin Bs in food and beverage samples.
Are you facing the same challenge? Call us today for solutions for Vitamin Bs testing.