Biolife products
Microbiology has come a long way from the days when the microbiologist stood in his media kitchen decocting infusions from ground-up heart, brains, liver, and the like. The components of a culture medium must satisfy the nutritional requirements of the microorganisms, which, in order to live and replicate, require sources of nitrogen, carbon, and trace elements. The trend has been toward using more defined media components with extracts and peptones taking the place of infusions and, more recently, with chromogenic compounds taking the place of carbohydrates and pH indicators. Nevertheless, media preparation is not only a science, but remains an art, and is best left to skilled manufacturers. Culture media is more or less a combination of complex nutrient substrates formulated for the cultivation of microorganisms.
Available for:
- Dehydrated culture media
- Selective supplement enrichment
- Chromogenic media
- Ready to use culture media
- Biochemical identification test