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AOAC SEA Conference 2022

The first AOAC South East Asia (SEA) conference took place this month in Singapore. Bioscience Diagnostics jointly organized with R-Biopharm AG as Platinum Sponsor for the event. The event saw a 200-strong participant with keynote speakers from AOAC International, Singapore Food Agency (SFA), Health Science Authority Singapore, Nestle and distinguished speakers who talked about what is the food science and regulation work frame moving forward, and specific topics on mycotoxins, 3-MCPD, emerging foodborne pathogens.  As the AOAC SEA charter is new, the President presented the road map what this charter plans to accomplish, including harmonization of methods.

Mr Ronald Niemeijer, our key Principal from R-Biopharm AG, presented on "Expect the Unexpected - Mycotoxins in Food Trends Today" where findings showed mycotoxins presence in today's novel food - plant based products and alternative proteins, thus mycotoxin testing require more attention that we expect.

Our colleagues from Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta offices joined us in this event. We had in depth discussion with our customers about mycotoxins testing, allergens, antibiotics residues, enzymatic testing as well as RT-PCR microbiology testing. We also presented to our key customers updates in Trilogy Labs Certified Reference Materials and Proficiency Testing.